Thursday, June 14, 2012

Everything needs fixing....

I have fallen off this crazy train.. 

I seem to be hitting a wall, in fact it is the same wall over and over and over again...  Everytime I turn around something is broken and in need of repair...  And it is nothing that is cheap and easy to find...

We have four kids and I love them dearly. They all have lots of things and want to keep adding more things in our house that is busting at the seams.

I have a husband that is completely on board with this year long challange. However, we too have a lot of toys.  And unfortunately this is the year that these things decided to need some TLC!!  We have a boat that we love. There is nothing better for cheap family time!  Besides getting gas (which is not really cheap) and the cost of lunches we have an entire day filled with family fun. We also have a Motorhome. This is a new toy for our family. We bought it just before the begining of the year and have already made wonderful family memories in it.  And we have a bunch more trips planned in it this summer!

Back to needing TLC......

Well our boat trailer needed new brakes to the tune of $250..  I did put things like this into my guidelines but it still hits the wallet hard.  Then the RV needed new fender skirts to the tune of $400.  All in one week... 

OK I know brakes on the trailer are a major safety issue and would not tow it with out them, our boat is just too heavy. And I also know that they are going to rust and corrode because we put the boat in salt water.  I am glad my husband can do all the work himself....

Did we really need new fender skirts???  I'm not so convinced...  Yes they were cracked and one was missing a chunk.  And it looks a lot better with the new ones, but did they have to cost so much???  And we are thinking of selling this one to get a bigger newer one so yes we did need them.  I am just being cheap!!

Tomorrow is a new day and I can pick up again and hop aboard one more time!!! 

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