Friday, May 11, 2012

Challenge Guidelines

I have been struggling on and off trying to come up with the most thought provocing and astonishing guidlines...  Well I guess it's just not in me.  My ideas for this challenge have been changing since day one. I jumped on this woth one thing in mind and that was MONEY!!!!  No spending means lots of saving!!  Well, I keep listening to other peole and reading comments and blogs from other people.  This is so much more that just about saving money.  I want to grow to be a better person. Live a better life. Be more fullfilled with what I already have.. 

I have a loving wonderful husband that would give me the moon if I asked for it..  I have 4 of the most incerdible kids a mom could ask for.  Each and every day is a blessing and thrilled to be right where I am.

Here are my guidelines as of right now..  These are a starting point for me and I am sure that in a month or so I will change them up....

Reason for starting:
~Save money
~Lessen our family's debt
~Live a more simple life style
~Get out from under commercialism
~Live a more GODLY life
Goals to Accomplish from Challenge:
~Become a stronger family
~Tithe more
~Donate more generously and effectively
~Give back to the community in a stronger way

Included in :
~School Uniforms (unless I can find them)
~Sports things to an extent
(many different clauses to this....)
~Parts for things - incase things break we obviously need the ability to fix our things..

Things we have already planned on buying
~Deep freeze. Always the possiblity to buy one used.
~Upgrading our RV, selling current one before.
Gifts for family and friends
~Make gifts or upcycle
~Thrift shops

No more shopping just to kill time, it is not a healthy habit and I want to squash it.....

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