Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lead us not into Temptation......

I love to run and I try to run everyday. Even if that means pushing a double jogger that weighs over 110 pounds with my two youngest in it.  Or waking up at 4 am to run in the dark.  Running this much means I put a lot of miles and wear and tear on my shoes. I try really hard to be good to them but I run a lot. 

With that being said. I own quite a few pairs of running shoes. I like to look at and buy running shoes. And when I hear that there is a sale somewhere on running shoes, well, I'm running over to check them out!!!

A few days ago I read a post from a fellow runner about Marshall's having some nice shoes for a really great price. And since I was over in the area. Which meant I was not going out of my way to look...  I stopped in.....

And what do you know they had my size and they fit nicely.  And I can truly justify buying them. Eventually I will NEED a new pair.  Never mind that I had just bought 3 pairs last month..  And all three fit and feel great.  Well I had talked myself into buying them, I grabbed the box and made my way to the registers....  I just kept telling myself that I will wear them and in a few months I will need them.. 

But in the back of my mind I kept hearing that little voice, and it was reading to me my guidelines for the BNN Challenge. I stopped right where I was and really looked at the box in my hand.  And truthfully asked myself " Do you really need these or just want these shoes?"  Well the answer was clear and I walked back to the shelf and put them down...  And I quickly walked out of the store...

When I got back to my truck I was so proud of myself......  I can do this and I can succeed in this challenge..  And if I can so no to myself then the rest should fall into place.. 

Actually if I am really truthful with myself, it was God pointing me in the right direction. I have been struggling with my nine year old over this challenge. She was so mad when I told her about this. She is coming into that age where style and clothing and stuff is very important and she wants to shop where all the other girls do..  And how could I go out after just one week and break my own guidelines and then hide it from her..  What kind of role model would I be. 

Not a very good one.

I know that there will be many other temptaions and ones that are harder than a pair of shoes. But I said no and I can do it again and again... 


  1. Way to stick to your guns! Loved this story when you relayed it this morning. Good luck as you continue your challenge!

  2. Thank you.. Hoping to stay strong!
