Thursday, May 3, 2012

BNN Challenge

A New Year for My Family Starts NOW!!!

Since joining a running group, of all places! I have been lucky enough to meet and become friends with the MOST amazing and strong women. I have learned so much from each and every one of these ladies. And believe it or not most of my newly found knowledge has nothing to do with running!!

It is from a few of these ladies that I have stumbled upon this unique challenge. Buy Nothing New or BNN.  At first all I could think was WOW! That would be really hard if not impossible, and it would take way more willpower than I could ever muster.  After reading a few of their posts on Facebook and talking with them I started to really think that we could do this. The more thought I gave it the more open to the idea I became.

So one evening last week as my husband and I were sitting watching T.V. I started to tell him about it. I read him a few of the posts I had been reading and without much thought he said yes....  We should do this.....

My main reason for doing this was monetary. I was looking for ways to save more and help us get out from under debt. We are a one income family of 6. We spend a lot of money on frivolous items. We have so much clutter in our home and in our lives.. Not buying anything new would really help us with this. 

After giving this challenge more thought and praying about it and also reading the reasons that other's are doing this I have expanded my reasons and goals.  I believe that through this challenge our family will not only spend less money, we will be able to increase our savings, and we will be able to make more beneficial donations to church and other organizations. My hope is that we will also grow and become a stronger family.

This is were our leap of Faith starts!! 


  1. Congrats on your new journey! Cant wait to see what happens for you and your family!

  2. Welcome to the crazy!! So glad you've decided to join in and I can't wait to grow with you on this journey!
